How to Live and Leave Your Mark
There’s a question I love to ask at the dinner table or over drinks: You’re on death row and it’s your last meal and last night alive. Early in the morning, the warden comes to your cell and asks what you would like to eat, who you would like to invite, and which movie would you like to watch with your guest?
What’s your answer?
We won’t diverge into why you are in prison. Instead, let’s focus on all the moments leading to your final moment on this earth. What do those look like? Are they how you envisioned them? Or does your reality fall short of your dream life? If so, how short? What would it take to turn it around and set you on course to live the life you dared to dream in years past?
Or, maybe you have a new dream? Let’s discuss that one.
Who will you leave behind when you depart? What would you want them to know? What would you give them as a parting gift?
After you’re gone, will those you leave behind be glad about the legacy you built? Will they speak of joyful times with tears in their eyes, grateful for the impact you had? What do you envision?
More importantly, what would you rather see?
If you’re not sure how to answer these questions (or don’t like the answers you do have) it’s time to take the first step and clarify your vision. This is easier said than done for most – maybe your “vision” is to end climate change, win a Nobel prize, or just be a good boss. But you need to take it a step further & clearly define what your legacy means to you. Reflect on your values, passions, and long-term aspirations. Think about the impact you want to make in your business and life. Write down your vision to make it tangible and actionable & set specific goals on how to get there.
Prioritize and Take Action, but don’t go at it alone. Building a legacy is a journey that requires mentorship, help, guidance, and support. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your vision or seek advice from those who have successfully achieved similar goals.
When you’re ready, reach out.
Let’s build a legacy together!